This Math is Awesome (Yeah, I Said it)

This past Tuesday night someone told me something I had never heard before and it’s been circling in my mind ever since.

So we serve the almighty God who was and is and is to come. He is exact and perfect in every way. So, if math and statistics impress you (like they do me) this post is for you. Jesus fulfilled ALL of the prophecies that were made in the bible; over 300! If that’s not astounding enough, Dr. John Stoner conducted a study to calculate the probability that Jesus would fulfill just 8 of the prophecies made in the Old Testament. The probability that Jesus would be able to fulfill just 8 of the prophecies made in the Old Testament is1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Just go back and read that number. Wow. God is so precise, exact and perfect

Go check out this math! Pretty amazing (who knew I would ever say that?)